Super Power vs Secret Power

Your Secret Power is not to be confused with a Super Power. As a kid, I bet you wished you had a super power. I definitely did. I wished I could fly, and sometimes wished I had the power of invisibility. But I am getting off track here. This fun quiz can help you identify your SECRET POWER.

WE all have some kind of deeply hidden gift that makes us stand out from the crowd. That one ‘thing’ that our friends love about us and make them want to hang out with us.  Or that thing that your friends will call you for help with because they know you have that special gift. It is a special gift that attracts certain people to you.

Awareness is the first step

Once you identify your secret power, you will have the ability to develop your gift even further. You might be a healer, and identifying such a gift might be just what you need to get you pursuing your dreams.

How would you use such a gift?

Also, bear in mind that each power comes with a price, are you prepared to pay it?

Take this quick quiz to find out what your Secret Power is and share your results with us.

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About the author

Yolanda Vosloo

Hi, I am Yolanda Vosloo.

Blogger, Entrepreneur, Fifo Wife, Puppy Mummy and Happiness Creator.
My mission is to EMPOWER people to break through their limiting beliefs, to discover their own greatness and be the best version of themselves they can be so they can create FREEDOM in their health, finances, and life - not just for themselves, but for those they care about!!!

Every day is what we make it - I choose to make it exciting and fun.