
Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives

everybody dies sunset
Written by Yolanda Vosloo

It is a harsh truth that everybody dies, but not everybody lives.

We are born, grow up, go to school, get an education, get a job, maybe have a spouse and kids, then you die. Luckily this is not true for everyone, but sadly it is true for too many.

Have you ever thought why this is the case for the majority?

We are all placed on this earth for a limited time. You were created with a specific purpose in mind, and whether or not you fulfill that purpose – you will die.

It is not death most people are afraid of, it is getting to the end of life and realise that you never really lived.

For most people, when people are asked on their death-bed what their greatest regret is, it is not the things they did, but the things they did NOT do.

Are you living a full life or are you just alive? Do you follow your dreams or do you just living the life you have?

Have you become a doctor because your father or grandfather were doctors? or do you prepare your food in a certain way because your mother or grandmother did it that way?

The reality is that each of the above justifications is one of the exact reasons why life doesn’t work the way they’d like it to. As you make the decision and choose the actions that conform to your wishes, and not the wishes of others, things will begin to shift.

A wise man said “The purpose of the heard, is to keep you in the heard”.  The only way you can truly live the life of your dreams is to follow your heart.

Airplanes are more dangerous on the ground than it is in the sky. On the ground the plane starts to rust, deteriorate and malfunction. It is sad to see the plane with so much potential just sit on the ground and turns into junk.

Are you a kinda person. Do you kinda want to lose weight, or kinda want a new job, or kinda want to start your own business?

What is your dream?

I hope you enjoy this video. It is my sincere hope that it will inspire you to follow your heart and fully live.

Everybody dies, but not everybody lives

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About the author

Yolanda Vosloo

Hi, I am Yolanda Vosloo.

Blogger, Entrepreneur, Fifo Wife, Puppy Mummy and Happiness Creator.
My mission is to EMPOWER people to break through their limiting beliefs, to discover their own greatness and be the best version of themselves they can be so they can create FREEDOM in their health, finances, and life - not just for themselves, but for those they care about!!!

Every day is what we make it - I choose to make it exciting and fun.

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